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What can 3 Elders, a producer and a filmmaker do in these COVID times? They decided to meet every week for 12 weeks on the LSSAP YouTube Channel!

Meet Donna Lynn Lerat, Gloria Myo and Donna Merasty, the Kohkoms, as they learn about each other, share their stories, navigate a Covid-19 world, and take their first steps in to professional theatre.

The Kohkom project is lead by Curtis Peeteetuce who will base the content of the vlogs and final theatre production on his well known series, The Rez Christmas Stories plays he has written and produced over the last 20 years. It is filmed by well known filmmaker, Marcel Petit.

It is supported with funding from the Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples Committee thanks to generous sponsorship from SaskArts, SaskCulture, Community Initiatives Fund, Cameco, SaskPower, Government of Canada, Government of Saskatchewan, Sasktel Access Copyright Foundation